Humor Writers of AmericA

Join Humor Writers of America 

Benefits of membership

  • It's free - reason enough to join (though this might change - there are no plans to charge any fee)
  • Your name and website info on a site devoted entirely to humor.
  • Bragging rights - you can tell people you're in the Humor Writers of America (and say 'neener' to other people).
  • Badge - you can copy and paste our nifty HA logo onto your blog, website or onto your books.
  • Later we might expand the site to allow more bio info, but that's not in the works right now.

Conditions of membership

  • You have to be a writer (novel, screenplays, well-established blog, etc.). Funny bathroom graffiti itself is not acceptable, though it doesn't necessarily eliminate you).
  • Humor has to be a major intent of your writing.  If you aren't trying to make them laugh, it probably isn't humor (having a bad guy laugh maniacally does not make it humor, but if he trips over an weasel while reaching for his spork, that might denote humor).
  • Your humor can be slightly second fiddle (ie Janet Evanovich's mysteries), but had better be dangerous to read when slurping soup.

How to join

Raise your right hand, no, your left hand, and repeat the following: "Here is my credit card info and ..." 

Sorry, just kidding.

Use the Contact Me to the right and 
provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your web or blog URL
  • A website where we can find an image of your most recent book (if you've written a book. If not, ignore this bullet point)

Our friendly staff of drunken elves will post your information once they get around to it.

We offer a variety of services including:

  • Mocking people
  •   Practical jokes
  •   Writing stuff that will make you spit up your drink
  •   Fart noises at inappropriate times.


Membership badge
Action Plan

Looking for ideas and volunteers to make this organization interactive, informative, fun.  So don't hesitate to contact us with your ideas and, even better, willingness to pitch in.